16 February 2023, 08:15

An independent UN human rights expert on Wednesday called on Bangladesh to draft laws to better protect those affected by leprosy.

Read the full story, “UN rights expert calls on Bangladesh to draft anti-discrimination leprosy laws”, on

16 February 2023, 08:15

Current disease outbreaks highlight the urgent need for every country to ramp up its care systems, the World Health Organization (WHO) chief told journalists on Wednesday.

Read the full story, “Outbreaks underline critical need to ramp up health systems: Tedros”, on

16 February 2023, 08:15

Critical maternal health services and other programmes for women and girls in north and northwest Syria “have had to scale up massively” following the deadly earthquake last week, a senior official with the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) has said. 

Read the full story, “Syrian women hope earthquake tragedy opens up possibility for peace”, on

16 February 2023, 08:15

A newly signed plan for election security represents a “major development” for peaceful, inclusive elections in the Central African Republic (CAR), a spokesperson for the UN mission in the country said on Wednesday.

Read the full story, “UN mission signs new plan for election security in Central African Republic”, on

16 February 2023, 08:15

A new exhibition highlighting the crucial role millets play in boosting global food and nutrition security, adapting to agrarian risks posed by climate change, and contributing to progress on the sustainable development goals (SDGs) agenda, opened on Tuesday at UN Headquarters in New York.

Read the full story, “Exhibition showcases millets as ‘smart food’, rich in heritage and full of potential”, on

16 February 2023, 08:15
Four Papuan men were killed and their bodies mutilated after a deal to buy arms from the Indonesian troops fell apart.
16 February 2023, 08:15
North Korean leader attends groundbreaking ceremonies amid concerns for isolated country's food situation.
16 February 2023, 08:15
Half of Nigeria's population are women but only 4 percent were elected into government in 2019. Will 2023 be different?
16 February 2023, 08:15
As the Russia-Ukraine war enters its 358th day, we take a look at the main developments.
16 February 2023, 08:15
Speed of aid deliveries to Syria criticised as 5.3 million are left homeless