07 February 2023, 08:15

GENEVA, Switzerland, Feb 07 (IPS) - New UNCTAD software does to digital government what IKEA did to furniture, allowing Bhutan’s government employees to create their own user-friendly services for citizens online.

Read the full story, “Bhutans Civil Servants are Building a Digital Government System -- Heres How”, on

07 February 2023, 08:15

UNITED NATIONS, Feb 07 (IPS) - Hinting at “Western hypocrisy”, a senior UN official once told a group of reporters, perhaps half-jokingly: “When you go on one of those sight-seeing tours in Europe, they will show you their palaces and castles-- but never their medieval prisons or torture chambers.”

Read the full story, “NGOs Campaign for a Torture-Free UN Trade Treaty”, on

07 February 2023, 08:15

A lack of job opportunities is the leading factor driving people to join fast-growing violent extremist groups in sub-Saharan Africa, according to a new report released by the UN Development Programme on Tuesday.

Read the full story, “Lack of jobs, the main driver of violent extremism in sub-Saharan Africa: UNDP”, on

07 February 2023, 08:15

BOA VISTA, Brazil, Feb 06 (IPS) - Roraima, the northernmost state of Brazil, on the border with Guyana and Venezuela, is undergoing an energy transition that points to the dilemmas and possible solutions for a safe and sustainable supply of electricity in the Amazon rainforest.

Read the full story, “Video: Roraima in Search of Safe and Sustainable Energy Autonomy”, on

07 February 2023, 08:15

MELBOURNE and SYDNEY, Feb 06 (IPS) - Australia is set to become the first country or jurisdiction to require large multinational corporations (MNCs), with a global consolidated income of at least AU$1 billion, to publicly report country-by-country (CbC) tax information. The new Labor Government announced on 25 October, 2022 in its budget paper that MNC’s public CbC tax reporting will begin from 1 July, 2023. Australia’s public CbC reporting rules will apply to all companies headquartered in Australia and companies headquartered elsewhere with sufficient nexus in the country.

Read the full story, “Australia Leads Against Large Multinational Corporations Tax Dodging”, on

07 February 2023, 08:15
'Unintended consequences' of blanket ban 'outweigh benefits', says government after two days of blocking the website.
07 February 2023, 08:15
Wealth inequality gap between billionaires and impoverished communities is widening, economists and NGOs warn.
07 February 2023, 08:15
Daniel Suidani was known for his support of Taiwan, even after Honiara switched diplomatic allegiance to Beijing.
07 February 2023, 08:15
Freezing weather conditions and snowfall in the devastated region have increased the difficulties for rescue workers.
07 February 2023, 08:15
Military top brass meets as armed forces continue preparations for parade expected as early as Wednesday.