The resumption of public floggings and executions in Afghanistan must stop immediately, a group of independent UN human rights experts said on Friday in an appeal to the ruling Taliban leadership.
Climate change has driven an “unprecedented” number of larger and more deadly cholera outbreaks around the world this year, the UN health agency, WHO, said on Friday.
No one should have to surrender their human right to migrate in order to find a living wage, the UN human rights office, OHCHR said in a new report published on Friday, highlighting the importance of temporary migratory labour programmes.
From Arctic communities desiring to receive public services in their own languages, to the Arhuaco people in Colombia who still speak Ika, indigenous people across the world are determined to keep their mother tongues alive.
A top UN-appointed independent human rights expert has urged the Scottish Government to pass a new law offering legal protection to people based on their gender identity, including trans women.
The first step to legitimacy and security in Libya is to allow registered voters to cast their ballot in fresh elections, UN Special Representative Abdoulaye Bathily told the Security Council on Friday.