Across Africa, efforts to reduce the number of women and infants dying in childbirth are set to slow without a substantial increase in investment, the UN health agency said on Thursday.
Far too often, Africa is viewed from outside “through a prism of problems” said UN chief António Guterres on Thursday, speaking in the Ethiopian capital, home to the African Union, where he has been taking part in the sixth UN-AU annual conference.
Thirteen independent UN human rights experts raised concerns on Thursday over the planned execution by authorities in Saudi Arabia of a 57-year-old Jordanian citizen convicted for carrying amphetamine pills across the border in 2014, reminding that drug offences “do not meet the threshold for most serious crimes”.
The legacy of the transatlantic slave trade “reverberates to this day”, just as modern-day enslavement is growing, UN Secretary-General António Guterres has said.
Two UN agencies launched on Thursday, a $1.72 billion regional plan to support Venezuelan refugees and migrants throughout Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC).
Cairo, Dec 01 (IPS) - As Europe braces for an unusual winter due to a global energy crisis, Greece is embarking on one of Europe's most ambitious energy projects by connecting its electricity grid to Egypt's.
PORTLAND, USA, Dec 01 (IPS) - Illegal immigration has evolved into a mounting crisis for a growing number of countries worldwide and governments appear to be at a loss on how to deal with the crisis.
Read the full story, “Illegal Immigration: A Mounting Global Crisis”, on →
MADRID, Dec 01 (IPS) - Drought is one of the ‘most destructive’ natural disasters in terms of the loss of life, arising from impacts, such as wide-scale crop failure, wildfires and water stress.
Read the full story, “This Planet Is Drying Up. And these Are the Consequences”, on →