The UN Security Council on Friday unanimously approved a sanctions regime for Haiti, targeting gang leaders and those who finance them, in the hope of easing months of violence and lawlessness which has fuelled a major humanitarian crisis.
More than 2.8 million people have been impacted by Nigeria’s worst floods in a decade, with 1.3 million displaced and hundreds of lives lost, said the UN chief on Friday, expressing his sadness at the devastation.
Russia’s military escalation in Ukraine will lead to more suffering worldwide and must be reversed, said the UN’s political affairs chief on Friday, adding that further talk of possible nuclear weapons use could lead to a “dangerous spiral”.
Eugenio Gastelum has been obsessed with video games since he was a kid. And now, he’s managed to turn his passion into a career, as the first-ever UN video game expert, using the popular game Minecraft, as a tool to help communities improve their public spaces.
RUBAVU, Northwestern Rwanda, Oct 21 (IPS) - Every morning, Valerie Mukamazimpaka, a businesswoman selling various food products from Rubavu, a district in Northwestern Rwanda, wakes up early morning to cross “Petite Barrière,” one of the busiest border crossings with the neighboring Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).